A Family of Owls

Hey everyone! I've been thrown a bit by the new Blogger update - it looks fancy and actually like something that belongs in this decade (or even the 2010s... shock horror) but it's weird . I'm really hoping that my formatting isn't messed with but sorry if it is. (Edited note: the picture uploading was always pretty bad but now it's worse?!? I didn't realise that this was possible but just go with it.) I've been doing some crafts recently - something to do with all of this free time (around lessons) I'm having all of a sudden - and thought that I'd use my blog to share some of it, as and when I complete it. Especially if I write it up as CAS, along with this blog. The most recent thing that I've done is a little cross stitch (as can be seen below) of some owls in a tree. I did it because we had to do something that was new and that was a challenge for Rangers and I had been putting it off for ages because I didn't think that I'd be any g...