Christian Aid Week

It's Christian Aid Week this week (from 13th-19th May) and I thought that I'd write something quickly for it. (Also because part of my Ethics was about Christian Aid and I have all of these facts floating around in my head.

The organisation was set up to deal with the refugee crisis' in Europe after the Second World War. Since then, its work has extended worldwide. It provides a response to disasters and wishes to promote long-term development.

Christian Aid works with partner agencies and will support all of them, regardless of race, religion, etc.

It assesses projects in a country, then supplies experts and materials for the projects to be completed.

The key focus of Christian Aid is to see an end to poverty and empower those who are currently exploited and disadvantaged.

As their website says, "We stand together. For dignity. For equality. For justice."

One of their more popular fundraising campaigns is the Big Brekkie, raising money to help the world's poorest people.

You may have also seen 'Christian Aid Week' envelopes that have been delivered to all households. These collect money so that the organisation can continue with its work. I have, in the past, collected these envelopes from people, and it is so wonderful to see people, even if they are not Christians, give something.

You can find their website here.


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