What I Learnt Today (Or Didn't)

Today, at my school, was a day full of fun. We got to learn loads of new things, like how to revise (bit late, considering our first proper GCSE was a couple of days ago) and about Health and Safety in the Workplace (I'm pretty sure I feel asleep).

I feel that a bit of context is needed.

Basically, instead of having PSHE lessons every week, my school does something called 'Values and Experiences Day'- which is just as much fun as it sounds, although I prefer it to weekly lessons. *shudders*

Anyway, usually the day is split into two, and today was no exception. My year got to learn, in the first session, about revision, including making mindmaps, revision timetables, mnemonics, and a mental first aid kit for when you get stressed.

The second session was even better- Health and Safety in the workplace (as I have already mentioned), interviews, what to expect during Work Experience, and taxes.

And this is what I learnt from the day.

First of all, revision timetables are awful for me. I do not care about them, they do not work, and I lost at least fifteen minutes of my life trying to work out how many hours of revision I could do a week (I either severely overestimated or underestimated; there is no inbetween).

Then I made a mindmap about David Cameron, and all of the knowledge is now seared into my brain. Seriously. I know too much- although it may come in handy one day when I'm playing Trivial Pursuit.

Mental First Aid Kit: write, sleep, stress bake/cook, talk to friends, stroke my cat, pray, listen to music, play the guitar. Moving on.

My highlight of the day was when we were shown a sentence, and had to work out what the person was trying to remember by remembering the statement.

The statement was this: 'May I have a large container of coffee?' (I'll tell you the answer later)

Anyway, I guessed it- it was one of those surreal moments where I could feel my brain trying to connect the dots and, when it did, I felt so proud. Especially as I then had to explain it to everybody. (Yeah, sue me. Pride is my fatal flaw (much like Macbeth or Annabeth Chase)).

And this was only the morning.

In the afternoon, I yawned through a presentation on Health and Safety (don't worry, it's all just common sense), got annoyed when a woman told us about 'real life' (because we're all living in a fantasy world!), I worked out that my friend should never go to an interview (she answered my question of, "What do you define success as?" with, "Not failure") and then proceeded to get more stressed and anxious about Work Experience (even though I'm working where my dad works so that I don't need to be anxious).

But wait! There's more! Don't forget taxes!

Although I have pretty much forgotten everything I learnt, apart from the fact that I will have to pay them and there is no way that I can get out of paying them (legally).

What a time to be alive.

(Oh, and the answer is the first few digits of PI! Well done to those who got that. ☺️)


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