It's Too Hot to Eat Outside

Good afternoon everyone (at least, it's afternoon as I'm writing this)! I hope that your week (how long was it since I last posted something?) was wonderful and that you didn't burn.

Burning is a pretty popular topic right now, what with the sun shining and all of us dying from the heat. I have actually managed to avoid burning too much recently, although my arms are slightly red (my legs are still as pale as ever, sadly).

Those of you who don't live in a country that is as hot as it is here (29 °C), it is really hot. Here in England, we don't often have to complain about it being hot, as per our stereotype of it always raining. But, at the moment, it is so incredibly hot that we all just want it to rain (at least I do- our grass is not green and lovely anymore).

Anyway, today at our Church, we had a barbecue. Our Youth Group brought salads and prepared the bread rolls and made a 'Thank You' sign (and that's pretty much all we did for about an hour- although there was an interesting moment where one of the leaders removed a massive wasp from the room).

Luckily, the church (being an old, stone building) is very cool inside and no one got heatstroke. Near the barbecue was very hot, so I just tried to avoid it as much as possible, but overall, it was definitely a success. Conversation was flying (not on my table though) and everyone was smiling (I mean, I can only hope because from where I was sitting, I could not see anyone).

The funny thing is that we, for once, had to say that it's too hot to eat outside. We literally never say that. As a nation, we are known for rushing out into whatever sunshine there is, and even ignoring some pesky rain to soak up the rays.

AND... I've just realised how perfectly British I'm being. Talking about the weather and all that. Sorry about that.

Talking of being British, let's discuss some more Brexit stuff, shall we? I'm a Remainer (not that I was old enough to vote (still not old enough to vote)) but I can accept that democracy worked and we are leaving the EU. Anyway, how many people saw the news where our wonderful Prime Minister revealed that Donald Trump (*shudders*) told her to sue the EU rather than negotiate.

Sue the EU. The European Union. He suggested that we should sue one of the most powerful organisations in the world.

I'm sorry Trump, but you can't just sue people to get your own way. That's not how democracy works! (Do you think he even knows what democracy is??).

Anyway, this post's quote (unsurprisingly, it's about weather. It comes from a song by A. P. Carter, and it's wise message is thus: "Keep on the sunny side of life, It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way". 🌞


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