Thomas Cromwell: The Great Politician

Hi there, here's some history for you (and some promotion for my book that hasn't been published yet).

I've been editing/writing my novel (it's now, officially, 50,000 words long and counting!) and I've just rewritten a scene in which Thomas Cromwell is executed (sorry, spoilers).

Thomas Cromwell, for those of you who don't know, was Henry VIII's loyal adviser and 'sidekick' for
a long time, credited with the downfall of Anne Boleyn. He was a brilliant and intelligent man and politician, able to navigate the many twists and turns of court life, but was eventually executed on the King's orders.

Also for those of you who don't know, my novel is about Elizabeth Seymour, who married Gregory Cromwell- the only son of Thomas Cromwell.

In this scene, both Elizabeth and Gregory are at the execution of Thomas Cromwell, and I must admit that it is one of the heartbreaking scenes that I have ever written.

Cromwell was an amazing man, definitely a Slytherin, who came out of nowhere to help reshape England during the Reformation. Although he did help Anne Boleyn to her downfall, as well as causing the deaths of many others, I still believe that he did not deserve to be executed.

I'm not saying that he was a good man, I'm saying that he was a great one and he should be remembered for being one of the most influential politicians in history and that many of today's world leaders could learn a thing or two from him (not organising the murders of enemies though- that's not a good idea).

Oh, and he is indeed related to Oliver Cromwell. I discovered this today (to my great disgust, I only connected the names today) and made a mini geek-out moment.


On a slightly different note, please subscribe to my blog to get updates when I manage to actually my novel (the same one that I've been working on for almost three years) and thank you!


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