Unfinished Projects

Good news everyone: I'm very close to publishing my novel! My sister is doing some final editing, then I'm putting it through Grammarly, then I'm listening to it being read out by a robot voice that pauses too long on the commas (but it's probably still better than listening to your classmates try to read Shakespeare). My friend is going to design a cover and then I'm pretty much set to publish. (If I can work out how without going insane)

But now I don't really know what to do. I've spent so long writing and editing that now, as I'm waiting for others and I'm researching self-publishing further, that I don't know what to do.

It's like after exams, when your whole life has been revising and as soon as you don't have to revise, you can't think of anything that you used to do.

And now I just feel so tired with it all. I just want to publish it, but there's confusing stuff and there's probably some legal stuff and I just want to finish it properly because there is nothing worse than an unfinished project.

This post is probably more diary-like than normal posts are, but hey, I'm writing from the heart. And hopefully, my book will be on sale somewhere soon.

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