A Little Japanese Poem

Hi everyone!

Wow, it's been a long time. Sorry about that. I've been very busy with school (bleugh) and the new house and unpacking (and washing up...a lot) and there's very little WiFi to boot.

It's not been great.

Anyway, big announcement. This blog has almost had 1000 views!!! This is seriously amazing and means so much to me, so thanks for continuing to read (and subscribe...you know you want to).

So. The title of this post.

If you didn't manage to guess it, the answer is a HAIKU.

Basically, I knew that I needed to write a post soon (especially if I want to hit 1000 views!) and I was about to bin some stuff from school, before I thought, "Hey! I could put that in a blog post!"

Life works out pretty well sometimes.

I am an Interform Captain at my school, which means that once a week either my partner or I have to come up with some sort of task for each form to compete against each other in. We've done some quizzes, a human knot game, and even a wheelbarrow race (we're pretty awesome). This week, it was my turn to plan something, and so I asked each form to write a haiku.

A haiku is a Japanese poem with three lines- the first and last lines have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.

I just wanted to share some of the better ones with you.
The ocean waves washed  
As the cruise ship floated by
The fish landed here. 

Love is like summer 
Relaxing on a beach 'til 
One day summer ends.

Blossoms that will bloom  
Will one day die and crumble 
But return by spring.

The spider woman 
Spins her web of lace and pearls 
Dew turns it to jewels.

If spring was a song 
Played by my heart's wistful will 
The sun could soon rise.

Falling autumn leaves 
Grieve the child's lost memories 
Their time can't return.

I like hot baked beans 
They taste nice unlike cold ones 
I need serious help.

When the school bell rings, 
The chaotic havoc begins 
As the pupils flee.

It's not Christmas yet 
Calm yourselves, you lil' weirdos 
It's still September.

A friend is a light 
Who guides you to happiness 
Friendship is kindness.

Battle with a pen 
Rich, strong words flowing like mead 
Tales of woe emerge.

While all of these are anonymous, the last one is written by my sister, and is personally one of my favourites. Which was your favourite? Comment below, and don't forget to subscribe! Have a good day. *bows*


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