Aeroplane Mode

I may have said that I hate airports, but the wonderful people on the actual plane make up for it.

(And yes, I am being sarcastic (ever so slightly), for those of you who don't know what sarcasm is.)

First of all though, anyone ever been on a BA flight when there is the video demonstrating what to do with oxygen masks, life jackets etc. What is that? It is honestly one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.

Secondly, the crew on the flight was lovely, so thanks to them. ☺

But the people really made the flight what it was.

There was this weirdo (let's call her grinning girl) sitting next to me, who kept poking me and talking and even showed me a picture of a massive spider in her magazine (I hate spiders). Grinning girl is, of course, my sister, so it wasn't too bad (love you sis!)

On the other side of the plane, a couple of seats in front of me, there was a girl with an amazing jumpsuit who accidently (I guess?) gave me a book recommendation, so thanks to jumpsuit girl.

Rhiannon and I had two sisters (I assume) sitting behind us who, when they sat down, we both sighed and knew that it would be a long flight. Blue top was pretty loud and orange top (sitting behind me) kept jostling my seat.

The woman in front of me accidently (I hope) hit my legs with her pink sweater, and her children (on the other side of the plane) were pretty loud. It was rather cute however, when we took off and they were very vocal in how amazing it was. And as we landed, one of them just yelled out, "I just farted!" really loudly and then they stopped being cute.

The guy next to me (on the other side of the plane) (sue me- I can't really do anything on planes because of travel sickness) was watching a film on his laptop with Theo James in it (no, not Divergent) and Rani and I were covertly watching some if it before deciding that it was too annoying not knowing what movie it was and we gave up. Movie guy: I'm sorry that I kept trying to watch your movie...

And I was the annoying person who kept coughing because I have a sore throat and it makes me cough. 😔 Lots of sore throat sweets were taken on this flight.

But I'm home now! My holiday post needs to be edited a bit, but that will be up soon (subscribe so that you can be notified when I do actually post it...please).

Also, go and follow my author Instagram account: @lara.h358 as I'll be posting more regular updates about my novel.



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