Why Do I Bake?

So we have an Instagram Page so that the Student Leaders from our school can work together to organise Prom. This is not the problem, in fact, it's a great idea, and I think that we're going to be really organised, but it's for Prom.

As in, Prom next year.

I cannot believe that everyone in my year is going to be doing our GCSE's next year, followed by having our own Prom.

Prom is for the older kids, the ones with their lives sorted out. It's the one night where everything falls into place, at least if you believe what the American films tell you. It's not for us, for people my age. It just feels wrong, you know?

Anyway, so there's that. Also, my cousin visited us today and she gave us a load of old clothes, so I now have two more pairs of shorts (a bit too big for me, but oh well), a really nice skirt, and a purple t-shirt that says, "I bake because punching people is frowned upon" and I feel that this is pretty accurate.

But don't punch people, guys. Get a punching bag, or knit, or bake, or whatever. :)


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