What I Didn't Miss About School

Good afternoon everyone!

I've been very busy today, so I had to actually schedule a time to write a blog post, which makes me feel very grown up and business-like.

We've recently moved house (more on that in a later post (probably)) so I haven't done much with my novel, but as we went back to school on Wednesday, I made a list (I like doing that!) of things that I dislike about school, especially after six weeks of no school.

1) I can't show my ankles or my shoulders because REASONS
2) There is way too much noise in the canteen
3) Being reminded of exams every single lesson
4) PE!
5) Not being able to listen to music 😢
6) Having to get up at 7am
7) Eating lunch too early
8) Not being able to read whenever I want
9) People literally everywhere
10) Thinking that we're leaving school soon and that we have to start deciding where to go/what to do next

What do you dislike most about having to go back to school? Comment below- also subscribe to hear more!

Have a wonderful day.


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