Travel Journal: Washington/New York 2018: Introduction

So, I'm going to Washington/New York soon.


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but the bundle of nerves in my stomach is making it harder for me to convince myself of this fact.

Positive thinking and all.

But, don't fear, for I have WiFi at hotels, and so will be able to update you on all of my travels! I also have an adorable leather-bound notebook/travel journal that I will be using, because hopefully inspiration will strike and I'll write something amazing.

Ha, pipe dreams.

It's half term now, for some of us, so what are you doing? Obviously, I'm travelling to the USA, which is why I am currently downloading a load of stuff onto BBC iPlayer for the flight ('Pride and Prejudice' or 'War and Peace' is a tough decision), but I hope you have a restful half term.

For those of you who have Mocks soon, revise, but also relax. ☺️

Also, the Student Leaders from my house (this includes me, by the way) had a bake sale yesterday, and we raised £100! (It was actually £100.01, but technicalities).

Anyway, I have to go now. Adios!



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