Why Do Posts Have To Have Titles Anyway?

Hey! It's been a long time since I last wrote anything, but I haven't really achieved much in that long time.

Why haven't I written a post recently? Why, literally nothing worthy of any note has actually happened. 

I try to make my informative/social change blog posts more serious, and then everything else a little lighter, but nothing has really happened that is even remotely funny.

On an informative note: it was the International Day of the Girl on Thursday (11th October) and tomorrow (14th October) marks the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings!

Actually- that reminds me. Yesterday, in History, we acted out the Battle of Hastings! I played the part of an Anglo-Saxon warrior who was locked in a shield wall, before foolishly deciding that it would be a good idea to run after the 'fleeing' Normans.

I died, of course.

To be honest, I feel that this is how History should be taught. We watch a lot of documentaries (most from some of my favourite historians, although, of course, no one else actually knows who they are), and then we've acted out stuff. Last year, when studying the Vietnam War, we pretended to be USA squadron leaders and had to make decisions that would keep our men alive (the point was that it was impossible to keep our men alive, so we all failed miserably).


Update on 'The Forgotten Ones': I've finished listening to it! If you follow my page on Instagram (@lara.h358), you'll know this, but I'm just spreading it around a bit more. Hopefully, it will soon be finished. ☺️

Anyway, I'll let you get back to your day/evening (I hope you're not reading this too late at night *squints suspiciously*) and wish you a good day. Thank you, as always, for reading, and please subscribe if you have not already!


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