Clap Along If You Feel Like A Room Without A Roof...


I'm back again, don't worry.

Basically, I haven't written anything for (what seems like) ages because I simply haven't had the motivation.

It's been a sad time.

And, because I still don't have anything to say (apart from yay exams are soon) I've gone to Pinterest (handy, isn't it) to find an idea for a blog post.

Isn't that sweet.

So, without further ado, welcome to today's post: the top ten things that make you really happy!

What is happiness?

According to the wonderful Google, happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile. It's the opposite of sadness. Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.

Therefore it's pretty subjective, isn't it? What makes me happy might make you sad, so while this list might not mean anything to you, I think that everyone should think about what makes them happy because we live in a world where people aren't happy much. Have a think, then, about what makes you happy.

And in no particular order, here are the top ten things that make me really happy:

  1. Having good conversations with my sisters
  2. Good music that makes you feel (or that is just so loud that you can't hear your thoughts any more)
  3. Tidiness/having a clean room
  4. Reminiscing happy memories
  5. Christmas!
  6. Friends, especially when you're laughing with them for no reason
  7. Finishing a really good book
  8. Finally understanding something that you didn't before (*cough* Chemistry *cough*)
  9. Aesthetics (especially to do with seasons for some reason)
  10. Cats- aren't they just adorable?

That's it for today, folks. Have a good time, until I write again (which should be soon, but I do have Mocks over the next two weeks, so maybe not). 

Au revoir! 


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