Book Oscars

First off: go to Goodreads and do some voting for the books awards. It's like the Oscars (is it? I've never seen the Oscars) but it's better because it's books.

There are various different categories, like biographies or horror, and it's just pretty cool. The link is here, so go check it out!

And welcome back to my next post.

To be honest, there's not really anything to say today. I just thought that I ought to post something, because I'm supposed to have a regular posting schedule and all that.


I don't really have too much planned this weekend (because I have no social life) but my friends are having a party- so have fun, friends! I'm also going to a Christian Union evening meeting (which will involve eating pizza and listening to Rend Collective (hopefully)), but basically, tomorrow is flute practice, revision/homework, and working more on 'The Forgotten Ones'.

Speaking of my novel, d'you think I could ever get a novel on the Goodreads Choice Awards? I'd like to.

Did everyone have a good Halloween? I forgot to write something (not that we do anything special at all for Halloween). I think that Trick-or-Treating should still be a thing for people my age (even though I still wouldn't do it). It's sad that we can't do stuff like that anymore.

Although, we played Splat in form the other day (one competition in form, then winner competed against other winners in the house) and none of the Year 7s in our form wanted to play, but all the Year 11s did.


I'd better sign off now. Pizza to make, tv to watch.

Have a good weekend!


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