Five Days To Go? No Way!

Hi guys!

So, it's five days to go until the very exciting release of my book, 'The Forgotten Ones', and so I'm releasing a small extract from the novel (on Wattpad) for you to read!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will have (hopefully) seen the cover release, but if not, check out the extract and you'll see the beautiful design.

The extract can be found by clicking on this link, and afterwards, you can pre-order it (if you wish to) on these stores, for their respective devices: KoboBarnes and Noble and Amazon. It is also being sold in the Apple Book Store.

This is exceedingly exciting (hey, look at the beautiful alliteration) so please spread the word and help me advertise. It would be much appreciated! ☺️ Tell me what you think of the extract on Wattpad or here (it may seem a bit weird because it's about half-way through the novel (no spoilers involved though) and nothing really happens- I'm really selling this, aren't I?).

Anyway, thank you and I'll (hopefully) write a longer post soon!


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