What's The Best Present You Could Recieve? Mine's a feather duvet.

It's the day of my flute exam (good luck to anyone else doing music exams soon) but let's not dwell on that.

Let's focus on better things- like my birthday, which was yesterday!

I spent the day at the Good Food show with school, eating lots of food and wandering through great crowds of people. Tilly bought my birthday present there- a white chocolate and raspberry brownie.

But I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for their wonderful gifts. For example, a tea advent calendar, or a bucket list of books to read, or a commisioned painting of a cat form my artist friend.

My parents got me the best present though: a winter feather duvet!

For those who know me well, I am always cold and I do like snuggling under blankets, so this was a brilliant present (and as my Dad said "put it on your blog" when he refused to put the duvet on my bed (although he did eventually), hey Dad!)

And now it's Advent, so open your chocolates (or tea in my case) and, if you're Christian, prepare for Jesus (because that's what Advent is actually about, in case you forgot from your assemblies when you were in primary school).

I know that this is a short blog post (sorry about that) but have a good day, good luck to anyone doing music exams, and happy birthday to anyone who has a birthday today (or soon, or yesterday)!


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