When You Panic, Take A Deep Breath And Don't Do What I Did

You're reading a post written by a fully fledged published author. Indeed, it is true.

'The Forgotten Ones' can be bought from Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple Book Store. It is not on Amazon, for reasons that I will explain soon.

Hopefully, it will be on Amazon soon, and I'll let you know when that happens. ☺️

Anyway, on with the story as to why my novel is not on Amazon. Read on.

Basically, I was going to publish it through Draft2Digital, but then Amazon couldn't publish it because I hadn't put on my TIN (which I don't have because I'm not American- I had to use my National Insurance Number). So I sorted it out and then emailed D2D to ask if they could resubmit it.

And then I panicked and published it through Kindle Direct Publishing (which then messed with any formatting that I'd done). When I got the email from D2D to say that they had resubmitted it, I had already published it through KDP (oops).

So it couldn't get published through D2D.

When I saw it this morning on my Kindle, I was rather embarrassed by the lack of goodness (because the D2D version is definitely a lot better) and so deleted it off Amazon.

Hopefully, this means that I can resubmit it through D2D, although this may, of course, take some time due to the fact that it's Christmas/the weekend.

But I've been getting lovely supportive messages from people on Instagram/Facebook, and from my friends (including: "I'm just gonna casually slip "my friend- the author Lara Hagger..." into the conversation now").

And, I've decided that this will be a funny story that I can tell when I'm famous/have a few more books published, and it can encourage fellow young writers who feel like they can't do it (hey, I almost didn't!).

Thank you for your support, by the way. Reading this blog (and especially subscribing to it) is so wonderful and you're part of making my dream of becoming an author come true.


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