A Little Bit Of Blood Never Hurt Anyone

Sounds ominous, doesn't it? (Also, if you don't like the thought of blood etc this probably isn't the blog post for you)

Today, I did my first exam of this year- Food! 

I had three hours to make three dishes: Salmon Samosas, an Indian Thali (chicken korma, pork vindaloo, tarka dahl, rice, naan), and Japanese Souffle Pancakes.

Last year, when I did my mock practical exam, let's just say that it didn't go too well...I did a lot of crying at the end of it.

But this year, as nervous as I was, I actually did okay.

*If you're thinking of doing food, don't let the following story put you off. Practical exams don't generally go like this, and if anything puts you off, let it be the sheer amount of coursework and theory that has to be learnt (in our theory mock exam last year, we had to write a 12-mark argument for/against the use of GM foods).

Anyway, my practical exam today.

There were only seven of us in the kitchen, each at a different station, so it was actually quite calm and quiet. We're allowed to talk and laugh (shock horror) so it's a pretty chill environment.

I was actually ahead of my time plan by at least 10 minutes, which was amazing considering the amount of stuff I had to do.

And then.

Then I had a nosebleed. Luckily the person in the kitchen next to me had finished her washing up so, in the five seconds I had before blood started to properly drip from my nose, I managed to rush over there, pull the washing up bowl from the sink and drip into the sink.

She was great, by the way. The possibility of having a nosebleed was likely, so I'd brought a packet of tissues into the kitchen, so she passed them to me, then made sure that my rice didn't burn, checked my pancakes, and even did a lot of my washing up.

Everyone needs a kitchen buddy like that.

Once my nose had stopped bleeding, I was feeling a bit dizzy and I was also about 10 minutes behind on my time plan.

Luckily, we are allowed to go a bit over time, so I managed to plate everything up (even if the pancakes didn't look as good as they did yesterday (but they did taste better)).

Then I had to go to my last two lessons. My eyes were burning with the need of sleep.

But I did it. And it didn't go too badly. Now I need to finish the coursework (argh the coursework) but all's good.

So good luck to all those doing exams soon and remember, if I can do it after bleeding for a good few minutes, so can you! ☺️


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