What Do I Have In Common With Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus?

Morning everyone! How's life for you all?

So, because I have nothing to write about today, I'm going to talk about the wonders of Astrology, and work out if I fit my star sign at all, because I thought that it would be...fun?

My birthday is at the end of November: therefore, I am classed as a Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the archer, being represented by the symbol of a bow and arrow. Apparently, he is a half human-half horse, making him a centaur.

Centaurs are learned healers whose intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. I don't really know how I feel about that. I don't even know what that means.

This is the list of things about Sagittarius's that I found on this website (I'm sure that you'd love to check it out):
Element: Fire (more about this later, but I do enjoy watching a good campfire)
Quality: Mutable (I had to look this word up, and apparently it has something to do change- I hate change, let me tell you this now)
Colour: Blue (I mean, I like the colour blue?)
Day: Thursday (is this a joke? Thursday seems to be the day when things are most likely to go wrong, at least at the moment)
Ruler: Jupiter (right, okay then)
Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 9, 12, 21 (why do people have lucky numbers? I'm confused)

So more about some of these factors. Apparently, being a fire element means that I tend to give more than I should to those who didn't ask for anything, leading to people taking advantage of my kindness.

Yeah, I guess you could say that about some things.

Mutable now- yay. My mutability (is that a word?) means that I can...wait for it... predict the future!

No, seriously. I can sense things before they arrive.

If so, why couldn't I predict that I wouldn't have anything to write about and do something interesting? Pretty useless power to have.

Being mutable also means that I have already had enough and I need change. In real life, I hate change and I want everything to stay my way forever. So, no.

Having a ruling planet (how does a planet rule someone?) of Jupiter means that I am a Protector of the World (which sounds great until you actually have to protect the world), but I also have unrealistic expectations to balance it all out.

Great. That explains a lot. Next time I get disappointed by something, I can just blame it on the planet of Jupiter.

Here's something that actually does apply to me: "when it comes to family, Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do almost anything". Yeah, I'll take that.

Something else I'll take: "they always know what to say in a given situation" and also that I "favour different tasks and dynamic atmospheres".

Ha- that's the real reason why I would hate working in an office: I'm a Sagittarius!

Strengths: generous, idealistic, great sense of humour (I wouldn't call it great)
Weaknesses: promises more than can deliver, impatient, not particularly diplomatic (excuse you, I'm very diplomatic)

That concludes today's post. Maybe I'll write about Chinese Years next (I'm a Horse, which is also the element of fire- perhaps the universe is trying to tell me something?)

Have a good week! (By the way, the answer to the question of the title is that we are all Sagittarius, if you hadn't worked it out).


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