
Showing posts from February, 2019

Safe In Your Sound

So I was talking to my parents the other day about being an organ donor, despite my 'young' age. I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to become an organ donor, as I'm under 18, although I'm sure that my parents would allow my organs to be harvested if something did happen to me. They're both organ donors, and they give blood, so I knew that it wasn't going to be something that would cause a massive argument- to be honest, an argument probably would have occurred if I'd said that I didn't want to donate my organs. And they'd find a way to donate them anyway. Besides, who wouldn't want to donate their organs? Even though I am a Christian (although I just wrote that I am a Christmas and had to backspace pretty fast, so maybe don't trust anything that I'm writing) I don't have anything against it because I believe that God wants me to help as many people as possible- and according to the NHS website, you may be able to help up to...

I've Gone On An Adventure (but next time I'm going to bring my cat!)

So we are currently half way through the week of half term here, and have I done anything but revise? As a matter of fact, I have indeed done other things (and I hope that you, dear reader, have not been focusing on school/work this week...) For example, I went out to have a coffee with my friend yesterday (although I probably shouldn't have had yet another coffee), which was lovely. And I actually went outside. And then I also went outside today, because the gate to our front door (that we don't use) was open and I wanted to shut it. What I didn't realise was that the gate is such a long way away from our side door. I should have brought snacks and a bottle of water. And I also went to the dentist today (which is okay, although I have to have a crown put on one of my teeth after GCSEs). And while we were there, we heard the news that one lucky cat could inherit £150 million! In case you haven't heard, fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld's cat, Choupetter, co...

Tears Aren't A Sign Of Being Weak, They're A Sign Of Hope

I have just had 2000 views, so thank you- subscribe if you haven't, and we'll see how fast I can get to 3000! But, anyway, good evening, and happy valentine's day (even if I don't really acknowledge it). Do you get the Doctor Who reference? It's me, again, if you can still remember's been ages since I last wrote something. Truth be told, I simply haven't had anything to write about, and every time I do open up a new post, I end up closing it down again. It's becoming a bit of an issue, really. But today, something pretty major happened in my life, something that will be crucial to my future. My first Sixth Form Interview *cough* sorry, Guidance Meeting. It's called a Guidance Meeting, but it is actually an interview, trust me. She was lovely and all, and we got to ask questions at the end, but it was definitely an interview. Basically, I was asked about my choices, why I wanted to do particular courses, any plans for the future...

English Language: School Trips

For those of you who don't know English Language Paper 2 Question 5, it involves having to write out an argument for or against a statement (no sitting on the fence EVER). As this is the mock that we'll be sitting soon, we have been doing a lot of practice writing out answers, and I thought that I'd share one with you (because I'm actually quite proud of it). The statement was this: Schools today should not take children on trips. They are expensive, little more than term time holidays, and in no way educational. I, of course, argued against this (as all children, at least, should). This is my argument:     "School trips should be banned? Who honestly believes this? If it's just bitter old parents who are jealous that their child is able to go to France for a week, have they already forgotten what it's like to be able to go away with your friends? Apparently, school trips are just holidays. Yeah, well, maybe they are- especially for the kids who do...

Float Upwards on a Cloud of Happiness and Positivity

A couple of days ago in our weekly English Language lesson, we were looking at this article from the Daily Mail. It doesn't really matter exactly what it said, only that it was talking about self-love vs tough love (if you're really really interested, it's the first article if you click this link ) Apparently, children nowadays have too much self-love and therefore aren't told when they do something wrong, leading to a generation of children who refuse to believe that they are capable of doing anything wrong. Yay, according to some people we're a generation of mini Henry VIIIs. Spoilt and unable to withstand the harshness of criticism. Hmmm. Somehow I think that this is wrong. Yeah, sure there are children who have been completing spoilt by their parents and that's wrong . But the tough love that needs to occur in children such as these is not the same as self-esteem/self-love. Definitions (if unsure): Tough love-  promotion of a person's welfa...