Safe In Your Sound

So I was talking to my parents the other day about being an organ donor, despite my 'young' age. I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to become an organ donor, as I'm under 18, although I'm sure that my parents would allow my organs to be harvested if something did happen to me.

They're both organ donors, and they give blood, so I knew that it wasn't going to be something that would cause a massive argument- to be honest, an argument probably would have occurred if I'd said that I didn't want to donate my organs.

And they'd find a way to donate them anyway.

Besides, who wouldn't want to donate their organs? Even though I am a Christian (although I just wrote that I am a Christmas and had to backspace pretty fast, so maybe don't trust anything that I'm writing) I don't have anything against it because I believe that God wants me to help as many people as possible- and according to the NHS website, you may be able to help up to nine people through organ donation, and even more through tissue donation.

Plus many more that you can help with blood donations.

Think about it, and do some research if you feel the need to, and register to donate. Saving lives by registering to join a list online is so ridiculously easy.

The title of this post comes from 'Someone You Loved' by Lewis Capaldi, which I chose because the music video fits this post perfectly. So watch this, please. Watch the music video and listen to the beautiful lyrics.

And think about it.


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