Tears Aren't A Sign Of Being Weak, They're A Sign Of Hope

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But, anyway, good evening, and happy valentine's day (even if I don't really acknowledge it). Do you get the Doctor Who reference?

It's me, again, if you can still remember me...it's been ages since I last wrote something.

Truth be told, I simply haven't had anything to write about, and every time I do open up a new post, I end up closing it down again.

It's becoming a bit of an issue, really.

But today, something pretty major happened in my life, something that will be crucial to my future.

My first Sixth Form Interview *cough* sorry, Guidance Meeting.

It's called a Guidance Meeting, but it is actually an interview, trust me. She was lovely and all, and we got to ask questions at the end, but it was definitely an interview. Basically, I was asked about my choices, why I wanted to do particular courses, any plans for the future blah blah. Pretty standard stuff, I guess, but not what I would call a 'meeting'.

Unless it was a meeting with ulterior motives, where one party was trying to discover information on the other.


It was exactly that.

The worst question to answer was the question about what I thought the hardest part of doing IB would be. Now, bear in mind that I've been full of nerves and on the verge of panicking the whole day. I managed to choke out that it would be the change, in both schools and courses, but everything was kind of a downward spiral after that.

I did fine- I didn't cry until after we'd left (yay go me), but I felt pretty awful. But that's okay, I think, because I'm tired and scared of change (isn't everyone?) and there's no shame in admitting that I'll miss my secondary school and my life the way it is.

And I'll definitely miss being part of our school orchestra, as it's a place where I can always laugh. I play the flute (and we played 'Happy' today- ironic, no?) and chat to people and laugh so hard that I can barely stand.

Ah. I love playing music with others.

But that was only the most part of my day. In the evening, I took my little sister to Year 8 Choices Evening, so we could chat to teachers and she could (finally- joking!) work out what she wants to take next year.

For you little Year 8's out there- do what makes you happy. Although, this also applies to everyone, wherever you are in life.

Do what makes you happy.

And what makes me happy?


Writing makes me happy, and so here is my poem that I wrote in form for Valentine's Day (it's quite sad, don't worry) to close off today's post. Stay safe, and be happy. ☺️

Scarlet roses clutched tightly in one hand,
Footsteps echoing down the gravel path, 
Stepping delicately around the daisies and tulips,
Wind ruffling the branches of tall trees,
As the building looms at the end of the path.

And then it is silent when
She reaches the grey stone
And places the roses lovingly
Down on the grave stating

February the Fourteenth.


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