Message to the Young (and not-so young, if they care)

Turn on the news and you'll see one of three things- the latest terrorist attack, celebrity gossip, or something to do with the environment. There's not so much we (or anyone, for that matter) can actually do to stop terrorism, and I, for one, do not count celebrity gossip as actual news, but the environmental disasters?

Maybe there is something I can do.

We can do.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that we build machines to prevent, say, land from tumbling down a slope in a fatal run for lower ground. This would be pointless. I'm sure that many of you take Geography, and most of you should have a simple understanding about the tectonic plates that drive our world and also cause the deadly earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes that all human beings fear.

There's not so much that we can do about these, and I'm not saying that we should try to prevent nature from taking its course.

But all of you will know about climate change. All of you will know about the catastrophic effects that the rising temperatures have on our environment. And all of you will know that many adults- people who think they know better than us simply due to their age- do not believe in climate change.

To them, I say this: climate change is not something that you can choose to believe in. Climate change is not the same as aliens, or God, or the conclusive reason why WW1 started. Climate change is very, terribly real.

The world will change. This is a fact. Hurricanes will have longer to attack, and they will be able to form in more seas, alongside more coasts. Floods and droughts will be more comment, depending on where you live, and that's only the tip of the iceberg of environmental damage.

Some of my friends recently went on a climate change march in Cambridge. You've probably seen the pictures from all over England- students marching to show politicians that we want them to save our planet.

Obviously, they should listen to us, but they probably won't. Not yet, anyway. So I'm begging you- all of you- to do something to help protect the environment. Marches, petitions, speeches. Blog posts, YouTube videos, Instagram pages. Use the things that our generation is looked down on having- use social media to reach and get everyone listening.

This is our planet.

Our future.

And the politicians have made is our responsibility.


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