Status: Drinking Earl Grey Tea Because I Feel 'Posh'


I'm here to grace your life for a few minutes as you read this (totally interesting) post about whatever comes into my head.

So exams are soon (yay) and I'm spending my Easter holidays doing revision- although I did go outside today (are you proud?) because we went out for my sister's birthday. And I also went out yesterday, to have lunch with my friends and my "Nana" (who has basically adopted me 😊).

Yesterday, I also went to a Maths revision session for three hours and I thought that I'd share this wonderful website that we were told about, where you can do practice papers- online! You're welcome. *bows*

And isn't it interesting: doing an English Language paper is the thing that makes me want to write something again. So after revision, I'm actually going to do some creative writing (update: if you're interested, the piece that I just wrote can be found here)!

I don't think that the weather knows what it's doing at the moment. Yesterday, for example, it was really foggy in the morning, then it got pretty warm (for April) in the afternoon, and then today it was lovely and grey this morning before the sun broke out from behind the clouds and it feels like Spring again.

Weird English weather.

I've nearly reached 100 posts- can you believe it? I started this blog not even a year ago, and look how it's gone (218 views in the past month alone!).

By the way, in reference to the title, I am currently drinking a mug of earl grey tea, and loving it. I'm not sure why it's associated with being rather posh- perhaps a blog post idea?

Don't forget to subscribe, please, and have a great day- especially my sister (happy birthday!) and anyone else who has a birthday today!


  1. Very interesting post!! Thanks for that. I really enjoyed to read it.I used to start my day with a cup of tea prepared with fresh Loose Earl Grey Tea Leaves


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