Demonic Possession Isn't Very Useful (as I have discovered)

Morning! It's fairly sunny at the moment (which is why I went for a run this morning) but I'm waiting for the grey clouds to pass overhead and drop their precious cargo. Like they did yesterday as we were leaving school. I hope that my bag is dry now.

So, to the title: nosebleeds can be a sign of demonic possession (depending what kind of myths and stuff you're looking at) and as I have a lot of nosebleeds: hey demon in my head, please help me do well in my exams. And also please stop making me bleed everywhere (although I'm on a 3-week streak of no bleeding- yay!!)

I'm kidding (at least, I hope I'm kidding...) of course- as if I need help to pass my exams! 

But they're approaching fast (5 more school days left) and I'm actually quite glad about this. I just want them to start, because once they have, I can start crossing off subjects/topics and I know that it'll all go very quickly.

And I don't think I'm stressed (surely I should know?) which is good. No matter what some people think about my long hours of revision, I do make time for myself- I read, I watch TV, and I have managed to write stuff recently.

If you are stressed/overwhelmed, I'd suggest doing some exercise, please, because nature is really very beautiful and peaceful. :)

My last report of Year 11 came out on Friday- all good things, of course- but let's be honest here, it doesn't really mean anything anymore. I already know that I need to work harder in Maths, for example, and a piece of paper isn't going to tell me anything that I don't already know.

But nothing really exciting has happened recently, apart from that I got Snapchat (for some insane reason). I mean, I actually got it so that I could be added to our English class group chat, but I honestly don't understand. My friend was no help- she just laughed at me then made a group chat for me, another friend who recently got Snapchat and her, called 'Old people'.

How helpful.

And now I'd better get back to Chemistry. Have a good weekend- if you're revising, remember to have some sort of rest and relaxation, and remind yourself that you can do this. 😊


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