Feeling Relieved and Very Sleepy

I am writing to you from the hammock in my garden, although by the time you read this I will (probably) have moved. The hammock is because it is very hot outside and therefore in our greenhouse-like home, and also because I like hammocks. They remind me of a friend's garden, when we were younger and had the abundance of energy only the young possess, allowing us to run ourselves ragged as we raced each other through obstacle courses.

Wow. I may have to use that as the beginning of a novel. The kind of novel that starts with that and then talks about growing up and moving on and adulthood. And ironically, that is kind of what I am about to do.

Enrolment Day was this morning (which did mean it was over and done with fairly quickly). I was not looking forward to it at all, and on my scale of 1-10 of anxiety, I think I hit an 8? Anyway, I just went into the school and wrote my name down and waited for about 45 minutes to get called. Then I have my results to the teacher and went through the courses I wanted to do. 

If you read my post from yesterday (LINK) then you'll know that I was not particularly happy with my history grade, which was partly due to the fact that I thought I needed a higher grade to study history at the level I wanted. As I want to study history at university, the thought that I might not be allowed to do it next year was terrifying. 

But they didn't say anything! So I'm doing history next year! My hands (actually, my whole body) were shaking so much that I could barely sign my name, but I got through it.

It really wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

And afterwards, Mum took me to Costa then to a garden centre so that we could buy some lavender. And other plants.

So, message of this post: it's cool if not everything goes completely to plan! I'm still hoping to do history at university, despite that being the subject with the lowest GCSE grade. Everything's worked out okay. :)

And this has also made me realise how brilliant and amazing my friends, and my sisters are. They messaged me to make sure I was okay and to just talk, and I'm fairly sure my sister would have fought the sixth form had they not let me do history...

Today has been an alright day, if not a very warm one, and although I did not sleep very well last night, I think that I will sleep well tonight. (Of course, our new hot tub might have something to do with that.)

Good luck to everyone enrolling and thinking about their futures. I wish you the best of luck.

You may leave school, but it never leaves you. - Andy Partridge


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