What I Have (Already) Learnt About Sixth Form

Greetings! I apologise for the length of time since my last post, but my first week at Sixth Form has been rather hectic and I've spent a lot of time sleeping.

Yes, that's correct- I survived my first week at Sixth Form! I was one of the last ones out of my friends to go back (lucky?) so we're all at school now. I've exhausted (waking up earlier only one day of the week though, but also doing so much more walking than normal) and I think that my average sleeping time over this week is about 10 hours.

That's a lot of sleep.

But Sixth Form is going okay. I have (already) lots of homework, but Maths/French weren't too bad, and History is brilliant, so everything's alright. Even the bus isn't that awful.

So for you Year 11s who are worried about next year: justified, yes, but it will also be fine. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. I have done rather a lot more crying that I'd possibly have liked (stress, exhaustion, whatever) but I've got my first week done.

Looking forward to October half term. :D

There's nothing really else to say, as this week has been nothing but sleep or school. So...how to survive sixth form, as I know at the moment?

1. Do your homework! You have free periods, so do your work and get it done. That means that weekends can be kept freer for revision/chilling.
2. Be organised! I have notebooks for different subjects (coloured for subjects because I'm like that) and folders and blah blah...basically, I'm doing six subjects (nine if you count standard and higher as different) but I'm sure this applies to everyone
3. Find one person in each class and hang on to them (ie follow them to your lesson so that you don't get lost alone)
4. Embrace the fact that you're 'adults' but that you're all very weird and childish as well (for instance, we have to 'break-in' through the fence because we don't know the code for the side gate but we all were so giddy about this fact)
5. Remember that it's only two years!

I'm sure that I'll have more once I've spent more than five days getting lost and desperately trying to remember so many names.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!


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