Who Wants To Be A Prime Minister?

*Prime Minister may also stand for millionaire

So tomorrow is the general election (is everyone as excited as I am about this?) and whilst I hope that the 'best person' wins, I fear that there is not really a 'best' person. The way that democracy works in this country means that we have to vote for someone whom we may actually like and agree with, only to have someone else entirely representing us on a global stage. I think that the party system should be eradicated, or at least changed a bit.

Must that is not what I wish to talk about in this post. Mostly because I do not wish to anger anyone (too much) and also because it is tomorrow and I really do not have enough time to do enough research to make this a non-biased post.


Let's talk about the general election: what exactly is the point of those signs that say who you are voting for? I get that it is advertising, as if the political party needs any more advertising (follow the various politicians on Instagram, it's hilarious) but is it really going to work? Adverts are ignored by people and it is only those adverts that hover in front of us for so long that we get used to them that we may (may!) click on. And besides, adverts are, or at least used to be, personalised to us and/or the website that we are looking at.

But I don't think that this would work for political signs outside houses. Say that you are a staunch conservative. If your neighbour has a massive labour flag hanging out of their window, you're not going to be persuaded to vote labour- perhaps if you're not as strict a conservative, you may then research Labour's policies and decide not to vote for them. BUT if you would never vote for Labour, then having a sign that you have to look at whenever you leave the house is not going to physiologically convince you to vote something that you just won't. It may just make you slightly irritated or even go as far as to almost warning you against talking to this neighbour as they vote Labour.

I am not biased towards either of these parties, I have to say. This is just for an example.

AND also, if you have Instagram, please follow Conservatives and Labour. Whoever runs the pages is hilarious and it does mean that I would not wish to vote for either of them based off of their memes and trash-talking of the other side, it does make me laugh.

Last thing about the election: if you are old enough, please vote, and encourage every else to vote as well. Democracy has been fought for- and been won!- and we should not let it go to waste.
I did want to write a whole post about my very first driving lesson that occurred last Saturday morning, but as I said before, I did not have enough time and so I'm just going to stick it in here. Basically, I did not crash but it was terrifying and I cried due to stress/worry and my enjoyment of speeding along in a fast car has been ruined. But I will have another one in a week or so, and we shall see- hopefully, I will be able to update you because I know that I would have liked to know that everyone hates/is terrified of driving when they first begin to learn.
And to close, these immortal words of wisdom from my father: "A Lib Dem is not just for Christmas...I'm joking, you throw them away after Christmas."


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