
Showing posts from February, 2020

I Wish To Know What Blood Group I Belong To (punk? prep? nerd?)

Hello to all, and I hope that wherever you are you have not been too affected by bad weather. It's actually quite nice where I am at the moment, although it was raining a lot earlier as I was DRIVING- but I did not stall, or crash, or skim the curb, or anything. So yay. First of all, some small things about IB to make you smile. One : I seem to spend half my life filing work away (go ahead and laugh- we're not told this when signing up to do IB). Two : only whilst studying history can you find yourself writing a report to Lenin advising him to seize power and kickstart the Bolshevik Revolution (the report is, of course, signed Comrade Hagger). Three : we did ToK in Maths (how is maths linked to all the different subjects that you can study at school, dance for example?) and Maths in ToK (is mathematics discovered or invented?) Another story from yesterday (not to do with school) which I'm only really writing because I like being dramatic and also I'm hoping my dear ...

"So We Beat On..."

Good evening to you, my dear friend *tips hat in a respectful manner*. How have you been feeling, old sport? By the way, old sport can (and must) be used again in reverence to Gatsby as it is now the Roaring Twenties yet again (and also the title of this post is the first part of the last line of the book). Today is the 22nd of February, which means that it is the day for Girlguiding to think about other Girlguiding members around the world- my district is meeting on 27th to celebrate together. Just wanted to mention this, as it's fairly important, I believe, to think of others around the world. For example, the Guides have been looking at Syrian Guides over the past few weeks who have meetings even when there is violence and war. Anyway, today's post is (mostly) about the environment, which does actually tie in quite nicely with WTD as one of Girlguiding UK's big things recently has been about cutting down plastic waste and becoming more environmentally aware. At my ...