I Wish To Know What Blood Group I Belong To (punk? prep? nerd?)

Hello to all, and I hope that wherever you are you have not been too affected by bad weather. It's actually quite nice where I am at the moment, although it was raining a lot earlier as I was DRIVING- but I did not stall, or crash, or skim the curb, or anything. So yay.

First of all, some small things about IB to make you smile. One: I seem to spend half my life filing work away (go ahead and laugh- we're not told this when signing up to do IB). Two: only whilst studying history can you find yourself writing a report to Lenin advising him to seize power and kickstart the Bolshevik Revolution (the report is, of course, signed Comrade Hagger). Three: we did ToK in Maths (how is maths linked to all the different subjects that you can study at school, dance for example?) and Maths in ToK (is mathematics discovered or invented?)

Another story from yesterday (not to do with school) which I'm only really writing because I like being dramatic and also I'm hoping my dear father will laugh with exasperation as he does so often when listening to me and my sisters talk. Basically, after school on a Friday, I get the bus back to his office and have to break in, which is easy because there is absolutely no security whatsoever and they just let me in because I look sadly in through the window (like the adorable puppy that I am). Anyway, I then sit in the kitchen and steal tea/biscuits and do school work. Just before six, I looked up to see that mostly everyone had left for the weekend (as they should) and that we hadn't. So I went to the toilet and then was going to find my father to ask him if we could go home - only to find that the doors were all locked and I was only allowed in the lobby!

Yes, I could have gone up to the office where my dad was having his meeting and stare at them all mournfully, but I am really quite tired of being that weirdo who looks sadly into the office at the real workers. So I sat on the floor and sang to myself (apparently, according to my dad, like a very well-dressed homeless person) until he finished his meeting and I could go and rescue my stuff from the kitchen.

Who knew that there was such a thing as an office curfew. 😂

Another thing: I gave blood a few days ago! My phone always autocorrects doning to dining, but I promise that I am not Dracula (speaking of Dracula, have you seen the new BBC version?). It was my first time, so I was very nervous about it, but everyone was very lovely and explained what was going to happen and it wasn't too bad. I was a bit concerned that I would be turned away on account of having low iron, as the person had to take a drop of blood twice and still looked confused, but when she tested it in the little testy thing, it was fine.

I felt very faint/ill after the actual giving blood (which was alright as I was distracting myself by watching this random tv show about rats- also do not look at the needle in your arm whatever you do) so one of the nurses was talking to me to ensure that I was not going into shock (see I know first aid) and asked me why I wanted to give blood. I said something about how both my parents did, and about how I was on the organ donor list (although this is being changed soon so that you have to register to take yourself off of the list) and that I knew that as soon as I was old enough I wanted to give blood.

This is a partial truth. The true reason is that I want to know what my blood type is.

This week has been very eventful, as you can tell! There's been so much that has happened to me that I can write about which is strange and possibly more than a bit suspicious...let's be honest, you now won't hear from me for weeks to come.

Finally, I'm seeing a load of friends later for a curry and film evening (which feels very grown-up compared to regular old pizza and film nights) and so shout out to them- I miss them all soooo much (that's the thing about sixth form, suddenly you're all spread out like marmite on toast and see each other very very rarely- this is when group chats/WhatsApp in general is brilliant).

Have an excellent month (give or take a few days) and remember that today, the leap year day, means that you can participate in the archaic practice of the women proposing to the man- what joy.


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