50 Things To Do!
Hi all! Today's post comes with a nice list (because who doesn't love a fun list?) of ideas to keep you happy, healthy and occupied during these trying times. Even if you just choose a random number (using a generator or maybe a really clever cat) each day and add that to your to-do list (because that's how you can feel more productive, by ticking things off a list!). Anyways, I hope that you enjoy reading through my list - as always, I've included some funny anecdotes/thoughts with each entry. :) Sit down and drink a glass of water, just for the sake of it. Do some pilates or yoga. Also known as finding out just how unfit you really are. Video chat with your family or your friends and just chat with them (talk will inevitably turn to the coronavirus, however, be warned) Do some colouring (may end in you ripping the paper up, depending on the kind of person you are) Discover your love language ( http://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/ ) Play chess, either agai...