50 Things To Do!

Hi all! Today's post comes with a nice list (because who doesn't love a fun list?) of ideas to keep you happy, healthy and occupied during these trying times. Even if you just choose a random number (using a generator or maybe a really clever cat) each day and add that to your to-do list (because that's how you can feel more productive, by ticking things off a list!). Anyways, I hope that you enjoy reading through my list - as always, I've included some funny anecdotes/thoughts with each entry. :)

  1. Sit down and drink a glass of water, just for the sake of it.
  2. Do some pilates or yoga. Also known as finding out just how unfit you really are.
  3. Video chat with your family or your friends and just chat with them (talk will inevitably turn to the coronavirus, however, be warned)
  4. Do some colouring (may end in you ripping the paper up, depending on the kind of person you are)
  5. Discover your love language (http://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/)
  6. Play chess, either against a computer or a real, actual person. Maybe you'll have to learn chess first.
  7. Make s'mores (only if you have the correct ingredients though and you are also not an arsonist)
  8. Do some gardening and get some vitamin D so that you don't turn into a vampire.
  9. Bake or cook something interesting. Work your way through a recipe book. Don't burn down the kitchen.
  10. Knit a really long scarf. Personally, I'm going to knit a mini campervan because why not.
  11. Paint your nails cool colours.
  12. Do some ironing...
  13. Have a look at Virtual Taskmaster and take part and also watch Taskmaster because it is very funny.
  14. Find and listen to a new album all the way through, from Track 1 to the end with no shuffle.
  15. Go outside and do your daily allowance of activity.
  16. Write a letter to a loved one and also send it, if you can remember how to address an envelope.
  17. Sort through old notebooks and bin the ones that you can't use again.
  18. Do some dancing because there is no one outside who can accidentally see you.
  19. Clean out your fridge and this is a wonderful time to use up all of those random leftovers in your freezer.
  20. Sort through your contacts and delete numbers of people who you'll never talk to.
  21. Pick a section of your house to tidy and clean.
  22. Clean up your inbox (by dealing with the messages please don't just delete them).
  23. Watch a film or a TV show that you've always wanted to.
  24. Go through your photos on your phone and delete the ones you don't need.
  25. Do a sudoku puzzle.
  26. Clean out a junk drawer.
  27. Film a cooking show (top tip: don't hit anyone with a lemon. I speak from experience. This is a BAD idea).
  28. Write a letter to your future self and store it somewhere to open in the future. This could also be a test on your memory, your hiding skills, and your patience.
  29. Listen to a free audiobook on Audible.
  30. Do some origami. Make colourful butterflies and hang them up to make your walls look pretty.
  31. Sort through WhatsApp chats and leave/delete the ones you won't be using again.
  32. Write a poem. If you can't write poetry you're wrong, but also you could learn a poem.
  33. Go on a Wikipedia rabbit hole search (basically just read about a topic that you're interested in and go from there by clicking on links).
  34. Find a new podcast to listen to (and listen to it).
  35. Check your smoke alarms because let's be honest here, you haven't done it for a while.
  36. Discover your Myers-Briggs personality (https://www.16personalities.com/) and see if you can find any friends who are the same. I cannot find anyone. I am “The Advocate” (INFJ-T).
  37. Complete a jigsaw puzzle.
  38. Use up some art supplies. I know that you have many.
  39. Update apps on your phone and delete the ones that you don't use.
  40. Watch a Ted Talk.
  41. Recreational Maths. Because Maths is fun.
  42. Do some of those DIY projects that you've been putting off.
  43. Build a blanket nest, make some tea, and curl up with your favourite book.
  44. Or curl up with a book you've never read before. New is good.
  45. Learn a new language using Duolingo. AKA learn to fear the green owl and also learn some really weird phrases that no sane person would ever use.
  46. Play a board game or a card game. I recommend Demon Patience but be warned, it gets violent and can break apart families faster than Monopoly.
  47. Teach your grandma to use emojis and gifs (would not recommend).
  48. Set up a Goodreads account and start recording the books you've read, are reading, and would like to read. Also leave my book a good review, please. Remember that it's called The Forgotten Ones by Lara Hagger.
  49. Do some logic puzzles and be sad because you're not actually very good at them.
  50. Even if you're not part of Girlguiding, do some badges from any of the four sections. Just choose a badge and complete the sections pretty much however you want to. Feel accomplished.

  51. Bonus: read the entirety of 'The Count of Monte Cristo'! I am, of course, joking. If you've read some of my previous posts, you may remember me saying that I'd been reading it and then finishing it and making a list of my thoughts. Basically, I would not recommend, unless you want to sit in a blanket nest and read for three weeks continuously. 


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