How To Relax and Cope (A Limited Guide)

Hey! I'm really very sorry that I have not written a post for ages (yet again, sigh) but, as you may have noticed, the world has gone a little crazy at the moment and we're all trying to adjust. :)

Note: you know the song "Ring a Ring a Roses" is actually about the Black Death? I remember when I realised this I was horrified and couldn't work out why they had made this song about death, but now, looking at the internet, I understand. Humans cope with situations through gallows humour- whether that be songs, jokes, memes. It may be morbid, but I think that it is also very interesting and one of those "aw, I love humans" things.

School ended on Friday (but two of my four lessons were cancelled so I ended on the high that was Higher Mathematics, also known as confusion) although the week had been spent with broken up lessons as teachers weren't there and half of my year left (so we were down to the grand total of about 30 students) which felt so weird. And then, of course, there was the whole leaving the school after Maths and saying goodbye to people that I haven't even known for a year and not knowing when we'll be back.

But anyway, I'm sure that I don't need to tell you how weird this whole situation feels. Luckily, my sixth form uses Google Classroom and so the teachers can set work easily so the only real difference is that I'm in my bedroom with lots of coffee and more sleep (as I don't have to wake up so early!).

One of the things that you have to do as part of the IB is CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service hours) which is actually a really great thing to do when you're cooped up inside. Clearly, if you're not doing the IB, you do not need to count hours and write reflections for everything, but I would recommend trying to do a balanced amount of CAS alongside your studying/work. Service might be hard to do as we're not allowed to go outside, but even something like calling a relative or video chatting with a friend could be considered service as you're helping yourself and them. For my own Service hours, we're continuing Brownies virtually.

Activity is easy enough, I think, as there are many videos on YouTube and I would suggest doing something like yoga or pilates to cope with the stress and uncertainty of this time. And Creativity! There are so many things that you can do- writing, drawing, photography, knitting, cross-stitch, baking...just choose a little project and try to fit in time every day to relax while doing something creative.

You are all in my prayers, and I'm sending you love. Keep safe and healthy. <3


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