To Read Or Not To Read (this isn't even a question, be honest)

Hi everyone! *waves dramatically* How are you all doing?

So this post comes to be read by you because I put something on my author Instagram story yesterday about checking out my blog for updates during this weird time and I realised that I hadn't actually written any updates for quite a long time.

Virtual school began last week, and this is now week two. I'm doing okay with the whole virtual school thing because I can listen to music and go at my own pace and there is pretty much an unlimited supply of coffee/tea. But it's also nice to have a little routine - I wake up, read and drink coffee, shower, breakfast, work...then we're continuing with Brownies on Mondays, Rangers on Thursdays, and various different video calls at the weekend. Saturdays, for example, are about family: we chat to Dad's family before lunch then do a quiz with Mum's family before supper (which is what I call tea/dinner, before anyone gets too confused). On Sundays, I have a chat with two of my friends which I always look forward to - talking to your friends face to face (on your phones) is a great way of lifting your spirits and making you happier (trust me it worked yesterday for me).

Speaking of school (although I did get rather distracted from that topic), I've nearly finished my extended essay! For those of you who are unaware of what an extended essay is: it's a required part of doing the IB, where you have to write a 4000-word essay about anything in a particular subject. I, for example, am doing an essay about Eleanor of Aquitaine (so history) and how real/superficial her power was. But I've nearly finished! I mean, I wrote it 'ages' ago and I'm just doing tweaks and final edits and other exciting things but yay! One part of the continuous workload of the IB that can be ticked off. :)

Back to the question at the beginning: how are you all doing? Making sure you're doing CAS stuff? My activity isn't going too great (although I am going outside to read when it's sunny!) but I did do some yoga yesterday which was good. Service is obviously Brownies which I always look forward to because they're just so smiley and happy to see everyone. And, finally, my creativity is fun - still knitting the bright yellow campervan and I'm also doing Camp NaNo this month (so it's nearly over) and I'm actually on track to reach 50,000 words in 30 days, which I have not done since I first did NaNo back in November 2017.

Ooh, and I've had my hair cut! Mum cut it for me and whilst she may have been very stressed about the whole thing, it's wonderful and she even managed to put layers in. I do love it being shorter even if it's weird not being able to plait it.

Now, the final thing that I'm interested in: what book is everyone reading? I'm currently reading the first Harry Potter book (this is because I'm working my way through my bookshelves and I've only just hit J.K. Rowling even though I started at the beginning of 2019- I have two bookcases with four shelves each and all of them are double-stacked), but before that, I read the Divergent series again. I'm ashamed to admit that I had forgotten just how good they were- excellent characters, good writing, amazing idea, lots of moral questions about humanity, a portrayal of love that didn't irritate me. I'm also reading "In Search of Respect" (a book about selling crack on the streets of East Harlem) for Anthropology but it's an ethnography and doesn't really make for light reading, even by my standards.

And I'm someone who once read a massive biography about Stalin as a bedtime book (granted, this was because my grandfather lent it to me and I kept reading with a sort of horrified intrigue because Stalin was a crazy, evil man- I now can tell you random facts about Stalin that I'm sure that you wish you didn't know).

But I'm interested in what people are reading and why (if there is a particular reason?) so comment below what book you're curling up with to help you get through the day. Au revoir et rester heureux!


  1. To Kill a Mockingbird, because I have just read Where the Crawdads Sing and the main character was inspired by Scout in TKaM


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