Do You Think That Dragons Would Like Campervans?

Because I haven't actually written anything on my blog for a bit, the modern look threw me once again. Oops?

But hello! I hope that everyone is doing okay with everything that's going on at the moment. Our history teacher said that we're living through history at the moment and that it is exciting (especially as a historian) but also terrifying. This came about because we were talking about primary sources and secondary sources and which is more reliable/accurate (because it's history, the answer is neither). If you wrote a diary about the events happening at the moment, is it more or less accurate/reliable than someone thirty years in the future writing about the events drawing from multiple sources?

Haha isn't history great. It's fascinating and there are so many different interpretations that can come out of sources, much like English (we're studying Othello at the moment and I did go off on a mini-rant about how I don't like Cassio).

Oh, and also I joined what I like to call nerdy Facebook (LinkedIn) mostly to find out what my Dad's job title was so that I could fill in that part of my UCAS form (do not get me started on that stupid website) so that's so very exciting.

Anyway, this post is going to showcase two more pieces of crafting that I've done. Firstly, we have my knitted campervan, which is now a doorstop as the craft group I'm now part of (I'm the youngest one by quite a few years but they're all lovely people who I've known for ages, basically more grandparents) suggested. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be and has a very rustic feel to it, mostly due to the fact that the panels are all stitched together in different ways. But to make it into a doorstop I filled a plastic bag with gravel (I had to go on a little adventure to get it) and placed it at the bottom of the knitted structure before stuffing it and sewing it up completely. I'm strangely proud of my creation, although it is still being 'donated' to my sixth form's basement because it's always important to be dramatic and start a weird myth about a knitted doorstop.

And the second crafty thing is another little cross-stitch of a dragon (because I love dragons) though it is not quite in the middle (apparently I cannot count properly despite doing super hard maths at school) which is annoying but I don't care too much because it's so adorable.

So here are my creations (which one is the knitted one and which is the cross-stitch, I wonder)! Stay tuned (ie subscribe) to find out what I complete next! :)


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