
I have spent pretty much the whole day revising for my Ethics GCSE tomorrow, which was fun. And as it is coming up to the dreaded 'Exam Period', I thought that I'd write something about them.

Mostly because I can't think of anything else to write about, but whatever.

Revising takes up a LOT of time, time that I'd rather spend doing something else. For example, right now, I'd love to be able to edit my novella, The Forgotten Ones, so that it can be published before I am sixteen (or sixty, at the rate I'm going), but no, I have spent my day trying to think up arguments for why Jesus did not rise from the dead.

That's really hard for me, by the way, as a Christian who obviously believes that Jesus did rise from the dead.

But yeah. I have a list of stuff to do in my head that gets bigger each day, but instead, I have to spend all day revising.

And the worst part of exams isn't the days spent doing revision, when I could be doing something else. The worst part is the actual day, when (almost) everyone is stressing and frantically revising and even though you've promised yourself that you'll remain calm and not worry, the terrified expressions from the rest of your peers does not make you feel more confident.

At all.

Anyway. Hopefully everything will go alright tomorrow for me, and for the rest of my year. Although I know that I will stress and worry about it, this has actually been pretty good- getting my thoughts written down (however random they are). Maybe try it, if you are feeling 'not great'?

But, to everyone who has exams coming up, good luck! You can do it, I have faith in you! 😊


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