I Think That I'm a Sloth

Hey everyone, I'm pretty that I haven't written anything for so long, but I spent the weekend editing/writing my novel, and I'm at work experience now.

Nah, it's pretty cool really (I'm allowed to show my ankles!). And I may be writing this to procrastinate, but whatever. I'm not being paid and it can just be part of my lunch break.

But the title: basically, I miss school (weird, I know) and my friends and I even miss my sisters calling me random names (Sid the Sloth, if you can remember one of my previous posts).

So yeah. Anyway. I've been listening to music today while working (another good thing about work- as well as being allowed to go to the toilet when I want, coffee and biscuits) and I'm going to talk about something (vaguely) poetical.

Remember those songs, the ones that give you chills as the lyrics weave their magic in your ears and you can't help but listen to it properly?

Those bittersweet songs, the ones that fill you with this wistful longing for something that you don't know.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, here are some of my 'wistful' songs:
-Fifteen by Taylor Swift
-Boys in the Street by Greg Holden
-Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance
-This is Gospel by Panic! at the Disco
-Photograph by Ed Sheeran (because it's lovely when a large choir sings it with harmonies (I was in that choir))
-Skyfall by Adele (because our auditioning choir at school sang it and it's amazing and my friend (who played Eva in our school musical performance of Evita) sang the ending bit and it was beautiful)

There you go! If you have any 'wistful' songs, feel free to comment. (If you still don't know what I'm talking about, I'm tired, so try reading it at midnight).

Have a great week, and take it easy. Be a sloth for a bit. ☺


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