Dare to Dream Again

So I wrote something last night (or was it this morning? I will never know) and I'd like to share it with as many people as possible, simply because it is a big issue for me. So, read it, digest it, and share it with others. Start a revolution- dare to dream again!

When you're young, they teach you to dream.

They ask you what you want to be, they tell you that you can do anything, that you have every right to aim for the stars.

So with bright eyes and big smiles, you tell them. You tell them what you dream of doing, who you dream of being, and they smile and they tell you that it is a good dream to have.

And then you grow up slightly, and your eyes start to dim and your smile starts to fade and they stop telling you that it is a good dream. They start freezing when you tell them, staring at you with a kind of morbid fascination before saying faintly that it's a nice dream

And then your eyes are dry from crying and you can't remember how to smile but you're studying for a job that you don't want, but you have to get it because that's your new dream. That's the dream everyone tells you to have, and you bury your private dreams so deep that you can barely even find them again and you study.

No one tells you that you can aim for the stars anymore. The best you can do is aim for that promotion, the one that will give you a little extra cash so that you can go on holiday and maybe forget how truly sad you are, even just for a week.

The very people who taught you how to dream are teaching you that you can't have dreams, that they're ridiculous, that your dreams are invalid.

Because as you grow up, you're not allowed to dream anymore.

And you see these youngsters, these tiny children with bright eyes and big smiles and brighter plans and bigger dreams and you want to cry because you were like that once.

You were once allowed to dream, to reach for the stars.

But I will not stop dreaming. My ambitions will not go away because people tell me that my dreams are stupid and invalid.

It's sad, that in order to keep dreaming you have to fight with everything you have, that you have to burn some bridges and flood some towns.

But we will never stop dreaming.


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