Promised Post and Dragon's Eggs

Hi all, as promised, this is my latest 'Values and Experiences Day' updates. Fun all around, as per usual, although parts of this were slightly more useful than normal, so I can't be mean about the whole day.

We started off listening to a talk about Apprenticeships, which was interesting, although I couldn't see the board properly and there is no way that I'm doing an Apprenticeship.

Then we split into groups to listen to three different talks about different Sixth Form options. My first talk was about A-Levels, and the guy talking made it sound so boring (he had a cool tie though).

The second talk was about the International Baccalaureate, which I actually want to do (because yes, I already know what I want to do) and the lady was very enthusiastic, which was nice.

The third and final talk was about Vocational Subjects (which is basically just CRC) and the only highlight was when one of my friend's sisters came up in the video a few times as someone who had won awards/recognition (she's an incredibly talented pastry chef).

Then we got to learn all about finance, which was code for learning about avoiding payday loans (don't do payday loans, kids) before we went to a computer room to log into UCAS for the first time.

UCAS, for those of you who don't know, is what we use to apply for Sixth Form Colleges.

It was pretty cool, although also terrifying, but my friend (the one mentioned earlier- she was also the one from this post who defined success as not failure) kept me laughing and we didn't really get much done (oops).

Then in the afternoon, we got to watch a (very badly made) video about abusive relationships in teens. This is an important subject, of course, because it affects both girls and boys especially my age. So I'm not really going to make fun of it, simply because it is a serious topic.

I'm not going to go into everything, but some of the things about wife beating being allowed and marital rape etc. was terrifying.

Finally, we looked at rape and consent, and watched the tea video. You may have seen it (especially if you live in Britain because it's very stereotypical (tea)) but if you can't remember it, or you have never seen it, the link is here.

I urge you to watch it.

On a slightly lighter note, I found my dragon's egg (we moved house recently) and it's now on my windowsill, which is nice. ☺️ (Note: it's not a real dragon egg, it's a glass one with paint- see picture)

Have a great day! x


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