Travel Journal: Washington/New York 2018: Day 6

As promised, here is my final post for this series of posts!

I'm currently sitting with Eliza in the airport, drinking water (which I haven't had for about 10 hours) and eating Reese's (which are strangely nice).

Today started really early, with waking up at 5.

This was not supposed to happen (we were getting up at 6) but it did mean that I was very awake when our alarm finally went off.

For breakfast, I had a lot of black coffee, a cinnamon roll and a shared slice of cheesecake (it was so good). Then we went to the UN Headquarters on the Metro (where I only needed to swipe my card twice to get through,  rather than my normal seven and then having to jump over the barrier).

This was pretty cool, although I was so tired and so I probably didn't appreciate it as well as I could have done.

Then we went to Time Square by bus (our group basically took over the bus) and wandered around a bit.

Back at the hostel, I was part of the team who were taking bags down from the ninth floor to the lobby. I had to stand in the lift with the bags and just go up and down a lot.

One time, this lady was in the lift and we got to the ninth floor. She saw there were bags on the floor and groaned, so I said that we could take another life.

She said that we'd better!

I must say, English people are a lot more polite, even if it's because we're so awkward.

The cards were given out on the coach, which was nice because the other teachers didn't know they were getting cards and I felt really happy (is that a bit sad?).

And now we're in the airport!

I actually am racing time at the moment, so I'll finish the post here, and therefore finish this mini-series. :)

Once again, thanks for reading, and please subscribe (if you haven't already) for more updates!



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