World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day!

Did you hear? Today, the Prime Minister (yes, still Teresa May) appointed a suicide prevention minister- Jackie Doyle-Price. Although, there has been some controversy surrounding her appointment- I suggest that you just be happy that people are finally taking note of mental health.

One of the biggest things taking hold of the world of mental health is #boysdocry, and I personally believe that this is incredibly important to remember- anyone, any gender, any age, any sexuality, can experience poor mental health.

I'm not going to lie, I do suffer from mental health issues. I'm not going into any detail (because not many people know and I really don't want to) but it's so important to have days like this.

So, remember. Remember that when someone says, "I'm fine," they may not be, remember that it's perfectly okay to not be completely healthy, remember that you always have friends and family and people that you can talk to.

And, if you need to, these are some charities that can help:

  • The Samaritans are open 24 hours a day. Call 116 123 or email
  • The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) offers support to men. Call 0800 58 58 58 between 17:00 and 00:00 every day or visit their web chat page here 
  • Papyrus helps people under 35. Call 0800 068 41 41 - Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm, bank holidays 2pm to 5pm - or text 07786 209697
  • Childline is available for children and young people under 19. Call 0800 1111 - the number will not show up on your bill
  • The Silver Line helps older people. Call 0800 4 70 80 90

I also, of course, have a quote to finish off this incredibly important post. It doesn't really have much to do with Mental Health, but I love Little Women and so decided that this would be good. "I like good strong words that mean something"- Little Women


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