Another Day (Not Really) Wasted

Good news, guys! I had another Values and Experiences Day at school today (slowly counting down the days until I don't have to have one ever again) and so I have some more information for you all!

I can almost hear the cheering.

It started with revising for quite a few hours, so I spent (however long) making Biology flashcards and totally not talking to my friend at all.

Then we had the *wonderful* experience of learning about various STDs. The images will forever be seared into my mind.

Basically, kids, don't have sex and you'll be okay.

After this fun experience, we had a session about stress and happiness. The first question put to us was this: what makes you stressed?

It tells you a lot about the mental health of teenagers nowadays that mostly everyone said something about exams, revision, the future, and life in general.

But, as the government seems to be doing, let's just ignore that, shall we?

To 'make' ourselves happy, we had to go through magazines and cut out images that made us happy. We could also write stuff on the sheet as well, if wanted.

I have come to the conclusion that I am actually quite a simple person really. Cats make me happy, as does good music, writing, and (of course) pictures of pretty (preferably pastely) landscapes (sunrises/sunsets anyone?)

Our next session (how many is that so far?) was actually very useful.

We learnt about breast cancer (because we'd been put in all girl or all boy groups and so it wasn't too awkward) and how to check yourself and stuff.

This is, of course, incredibly important, and I'm actually glad that we had a V&E day, even if that's the only thing that I really cared about.

Finally, we got the classic online safety chat (although the teacher was pretty cool about it all so it wasn't too bad) and it was only about half an hour, so then we got to go home.

What social media do I have? Facebook (even though, apparently, that's for my parents' generation), Instagram (and I have a public author profile), Blogger/Google+ (obviously, otherwise I would not be able to update this (and you'd be sad)).

No, I do not have Snapchat. And, no, I am not missing out on anything.

Make sure that all privacy settings are up as high as possible, kids.

That's it for today's post, where I passed on my excellent knowledge. Subscribe for more wonderful posts. 😃 Thanks for reading, and have a good day (make sure your privacy settings are as high as they can go!)


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