Reading the news is not all it's cracked up to be

Okay, so I've been meaning to write another blog post for ages now (sorry about that) but I just haven't had the energy.

Or the ideas.

Ideas are always important for a blog, especially as I like to talk about social issues because, let's face it, where else am I going to share them (it's not like anyone at school really listens)?

But what has happened recently in the life of myself? Well:
  • I've published 11 books in total now! *cheering* If you have bought a copy, make sure to leave a review after reading it (please, of course).
  • I saw 'The Favourite' at the cinema with my friend last weekend. Was it good? Yes, well-acted and darkly humorous (just the way I like it). It also ended on a slightly odd note, so we left the cinema in a state of confusion.
  • College applications are being reviewed and sent out, which is fun and terrifying and feels really quite weird.
Yeah, that's probably all the update you need. Nothing really exciting has happened.

So, like all good bloggers (?) I turn to the News for inspiration and found pretty much nothing. Why is it, when I need something to write about, there's absolutely nothing new in the news?

Apparently, 2018 was the worst year in history for gun violence in schools (although possibly the best year for children/teenagers standing up against the adults demanding an end to said violence). There were more articles about Brexit (is that ever going to end?) and, of course, some mentions of the migrant 'crisis'.

A migrant crisis of 40 people, apparently. I mean, personally I think that a crisis is more than that, but I suppose you can say what you like if you're powerful enough.

So I'm going to end there. But I'll leave you this link (here) so that you can watch Russel Howard's review of 2018- you will laugh, and possibly cry, and hopefully, you'll realise that last year wasn't all so bad.

Look to the future, my fellow humans, and laugh. 


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