The Adventures of Corbin, Nutley, and Cudroe

Good evening, friends and comrades and others!

As a writer, I often give people answers to weird questions and get weird looks as a direct result of knowing said answers. I have to blame reading too much and watching TV shows like Criminal Minds (this is why I was able to give a mini-lecture on why people become serial killers on Wednesday in our Creative Writing group).

Anyway, once again, Wilberfun has made me laugh again today. If you can't recall, Wilberfun is a task that is completed by forms in our house. For a post about another Wilberfun that we did, click on this link

People make me laugh sometimes.

Anyway, today's task was to match the famous person up with the degree they hold. To make it harder, I'd added degrees to the list that no one had, and they also had to work out the person. Some groups did very well, and some did... not as well.

Firstly, no one can spell the name of our esteemed Labour leader (Corbin) and they also think that he has a degree in Politics (laughable).

To be honest, they can't spell much else, really. I mean, I understand how you can get from Kudrow to Cudroe if you're spelling it out phonetically. And maybe even Mortimer to Mortama. But not Natalie Portman to Nutley Chartman.

Nutley Chartman.

My own form also can't read instructions- they got 7/32. I despair of them.
This next one is quite clever- Lisa Kudrow (apparently) has a degree in French, but I can see how people got this- that one Friends episode (that we actually watched in French class...I don't know what that says about our French class).

One form just made up degrees- Prince Charles now has a degree in Royalty and Russel Howard has a degree in Comedy.

Russel Howard apparently looks likes he studies- Archeology, Comedy (as above), Psychology, or maybe even Theatre Arts (does he look like he studied Theatre Arts? He actually studied Economics, by the way.)
Finally, do these people look the same to you? The picture that the forms had was of Arthur Conan Doyle, who has a degree in Medicine.

But, apparently, he looks remarkably similar to the man in the photo to the right.

That photo is of Stephen Fry, who has a degree in English Literature (much like Emma Watson does- strangely, everyone got that one right (apart from my form)). 

In what world do they look similar??

But thank you to all forms who made me laugh. Even if it was sometimes a slightly annoyed laugh. And thank you for reading this. *curtsies* Have a good weekend!


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