At The Close of One Door

I've just finished watching (binge-watching) 'Outnumbered', so I'm feeling a bit lost (what better way to ground myself than by writing a blog post, am I right). But I didn't cry (too much) at the last episode, like I did during to whole of the last episode of 'Bad Education'. But, anyway, if you haven't seen 'Outnumbered', I'd suggest watching it.

So many of the things that happened are just so right and, as the oldest sibling, it makes sense. It helps that it is incredibly funny as well. So go and watch it (it's on BBC iPlayer at the moment) or go and rewatch it.

But as one door closes, another opens, so I've just started doing 40acts for Lent. It's a Christian thing that sends me an email every day with challenges (easy, medium, hard) to be more generous, more loving, but whatever your religious beliefs, I think it's important to think of others, and what better time than right now to start (click this link to begin).

At the moment, I'm in the midst of exams (I've done six out of thirteen, so almost halfway) which is, of course, exhausting, but I'm preparing to do no revision this Friday evening- make sure that you also take a break, lovely person!

But I've also started writing another poem, which is pretty cool (I love writing poetry so much). I seem to end up writing poems that are basically scathing critiques of society/societal issues. The last poem I wrote was about the lack of creativity in English lessons now, due to the need to pass exams and stuff.

Maybe I'll write it down for you to read some time.

Anyway, remember to subscribe, and have fun looking at this adorable picture of a rabbit that I found
(because you can never get enough cuteness)!


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