Why Do Ducks Stand Out In The Rain

So it's Mothering Sunday today (have you seen the Google Doodle, 'cos it's adorable- and maybe you'll understand the title for today) and I was going to do a post yesterday, then I remembered today and so here we are.

Firstly, thanks to Mum for being wonderful and amazing and supporting me through everything (even though I don't want to do science in the future 😂)

Secondly, this IMPORTANT FOR TODAY (because I know it can be hard, for those who aren't mothers for reasons, or for those who miss their mothers for reasons):

Mothers aren't just the biological ones, the ones that you live with. While my own mother is incredibly important to me, there are other mothers who have helped 'raise' me so that I am the person who I am now. 

For example, my three godmothers, or my friends' mothers, or the women at Church who give me cake (and more cake). My older cousins, my aunts, my grandma, my friend's grandma- they are all amazing and have, in one way or another shaped me to become me.

Some people I know don't have a mother to hug and give presents to on Mothering Sunday. But I hope that they know they have other 'mothers', and that is perfectly okay.

You are amazing. <3

And what did I do today? Well, I went to church in the morning where I played flute in music group and it was bitterly cold because there was no heating (we should have gone outside, especially as there wasn't that many of us there- some chairs and music stands, and we'd be ready to go).

Then we went to 'Tea a la Ritz', which was a two-hour afternoon tea with live music (which was amazing!) and I ate so much cake. So. Much. Cake. But it was great fun and, when we got home, I watched a film with my sister.

Good day. And I even did a bit of revision (go me).

On a completely unrelated note, I got 41 page views yesterday?!? Considering I've been getting maybe 5 a day, on a good day, this is both amazing and also really weird.

Also, there is now a flashcard outside in the garden (possibly on the ground, possibly on the wooden pergola) because there was a 'dead' spider and I tried to remove it (even though I am very afraid of spiders, but I didn't want it in my room and it was 'dead') but then it started moving so I scooped it up and threw everything outside.

So sorry, family. I'll fetch the flashcard tomorrow morning. Probably. But it's biodegradable, right?


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