Not All Things Are Bad (The Tigers Don't Think So Anyway)

So Boris Johnson is our new Prime Minister. Surprise, surprise. As much as I am both not shocked by this and also slightly annoyed, you have to admit that BJ (and yes, I do realise what that stands for, thanks) sounds a lot better than JH.

Focus on the silver linings.

I've been on holiday for this past week, which is, of course, the reason that I haven't updated Musings for ages, but please be proud of me! I've actually been outside! It was, sadly, during the hottest day of the year and I may or may not have burnt my skin just a little, but I was breathing in the fresh air and everything.

Also, I wrote a post on this day last year as well? How cool it that? And it means that my blog has been going for more than a year, which is crazy. Think of all the things that I've done- GCSEs, published a book, done more interviews for Sixth Form than I ever wanted to (two). I'm sure there's more. That's all I can think of for now though.

Oh! Prom. I went to Prom and actually... enjoyed it.

If you remember my post from last year (which I'm sure that you don't) or if you've clicked on the link above and read it quickly, then you'll know that it's my friend's birthday today! She's finally 16!! And soon, the rest of us will be turning 17, leaving her once again in the dust.

Today is Cheesecake Day (in the US) so what's the weirdest cheesecake you've ever eaten? Mine has to be the Mint Chocolate one I made at school, mostly because it didn't set properly and so was this slightly runny mess on a biscuit base. The best one, though, was probably the one I had in New York, because it was only a slice but we all shared it and it was just very nice to have friends.

Although the one that my mum makes (white chocolate with blueberries) is truly amazing. Classic dessert in our household if we're asked to bring a dessert.

And yesterday was also International Tiger Day, which is great because it turns out that we're doing better than planned and there are now almost 3,000 tigers in India! Woohoo!

Look at this beautiful creature.

I love tigers (which I've probably said before) and one of the best books that I've read about tigers was 'Tiger, Tiger' by Lynne Reid Banks. I think that it's my sister's book (?) but it was great. Or, it was when I was younger and I read it.

Hopefully, it's like 'Goodnight, Mister Tom' which I loved when I was 10 and I still love now and I will love when I'm older as well.

And now I can cross another thing off my checklist for the day. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already!


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