There's Always Tomorrow

Isn't it great when you wake up in the morning and just feel motivation and joy surging inside you? I love days like that (like today, luckily) although I also tend to drink too much coffee on those days and therefore have way too much energy that comes out by everything kinda trembling.

My hands are possibly shaking a little bit as I'm writing this.

Of course, the flipside of days like this are the bad days, where nothing really works and you have to fight back tears all the time and you just want to curl up in your pyjamas and sleep.

I had a day like that yesterday. Unfortunately. I think it was partly due to the fact that I'm a little anxious/stressed (the thought of results day fills my stomach with dread). But today's post isn't a 'how-to guide' in order to get through bad days. Nor is it a request for sympathy, as I know that everyone feels bad once in a while.

I suppose that it's more of a reminder that not everything is bad all the time. For instance, we live in a world where there are so many books and stories- how amazing is that! Also, coffee. And tea (mostly Earl Grey because it is the superior tea). And television. And wonderful music. And mattresses, coupled with duvets and fluffy blankets.

Anyway. Good things: focus on the good things in life.

I'm reading 'The Count of Monte Cristo' at the moment, and man, is it a book. I'm about 3% of the way through apparently (which is up to Chapter 5 I think). And I have started making a list of my thoughts throughout these few chapters. There are no spoilers as I have no got that far through the plot yet, but if you have read it, enjoy these.

I guess that this is also a way of reading the book without reading it.

  1. So Dantes definitely killed the old captain, right? I feel like he did.
  2. Dantes really loves his dad, huh. That's cool.
  3. The dude definitely wants to money, but despite the fact that he's a rubbish lier, Dantes and the dad are just really stupid.
  4. Mercedes (Dantes' fiancee) is a really annoying name because I keep picturing a car.
  5. The only reason Fernand isn't going to commit MURDER is because his love (Mercedes) would kill herself if Dantes died??? What?!? That isn't the ONLY reason you shouldn't commit murder, you weirdo!
  6. "Oh well, if you can't murder your enemy, you get them arrested!" says Fernand, proud of his plan. Um, no??
  7. 'Muddlehead' is not a suitable insult. Try harder next time.

There you go. The first few chapters of the book, as told by me.

And remember, if you're having a bad day today, it's okay. Tomorrow might be a good day. There's always tomorrow.


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