Can You Tell That I Don't Plan These Posts? At All?

Woo, it's me again! I know, I know, I haven't written anything for *checks the last post* 27 days, but I have been busy.

Sixth Form and all. Which I shall (maybe) talk about a bit today, because so many people do not realise what the IB is about and what it entails. You should understand why I'm so busy (and also, I should tell you that this past weekend I went to Browns for afternoon tea on Saturday, and I had harvest festival including a harvest lunch on Sunday morning. Very busy)

I'm into the fifth week of school now, and I must say that I am exhausted. Hopefully, it will not be like this in the future, but I am really very tired. Another thing to say is that I'm kind of getting into a routine with homework and everything, so that's cool.


Anyway. *coughs*

If you don't know anything about the IB, you should know that I'm doing six different subjects (3 periods of Physics, Social & Cultural Anthropology, and French) (5 periods of Maths, English Lit/Lang, and History) as well as CAS hours, ToK, and an Extended Essay. I mean, I haven't actually started to essay yet (yay) but I have started ToK and tracking CAS hours (creativity, activity, service).

Actually, updating my blog counts as creativity hours! Minutes, though. I don't spend hours writing blog posts. I have other things to do.

Today, for example. Amongst my other homeworks, I have completed a poster about Political
Cartoons, to put into my English folder as a quick way of revising. It's beautiful (as you can see), although I may have spent longer on it than I possibly should have if I think about time organisation.

Yes, we are analysing political cartoons in my English lessons. In my Higher English lessons, we're analysing Instagram stories, if that makes this any better. Next term, we're doing a play in Higher and a graphic novel in Standard, so that's cool.

And I haven't really done anything but school. Sorry about that- my blog is not exactly filled with interesting stories- wait.

So I had a dream the other day: we were camping (as we do. a lot) and, for some reason, we took my sister's guinea pigs with us. They were very well behaved though, just chilling in their cage. And then we bought a hamster, which was adorable, but the cage we bought it did not have big enough bars and the hamster could escape. At night, the rest of my family went to sleep (rude) and I was on hamster watch. Basically, every time the hamster escaped, I had to catch it and put it back in the cage. It ran outside a few times, I think, so there was lots of diving in the dark going on. Then I played a lullaby on my phone and it went into the cage, curled up, and went to sleep.

Maybe my subconscious thinks that I'm the pied piper?

If you're new to my blog, I do apologise for the randomness of this post (and the terrible dream) but feel free to subscribe and check out some of my other posts:

But thank you for reading this post, and I hope that you (newbies and oldies) enjoy future posts. I'm now going to do maths homework. What fun. :)


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