Warning: If You Don't Like Blood, Stay Away (But Only For The Second Half of the Post)
Good afternoon, all, and what a finely cold day it is! I am actually fairly surprised that I can type this well as I have not been able to feel my hands for about 2 hours now (although I did spend those two hours making flashcards for Physics, so there may be something there about what physics does to someone...). News about NaNo: I wrote 5494 words yesterday (woah) and I am now back on track! I will fall behind once again this week, most likely, but I know now that I can do it. :) I am very happy about this (don't know if you could tell). So here is a thing that I wrote a few days ago about doing IB compared to doing A-Levels (but it's not the thing that the IB teachers tell you about how IB is better because it makes you more well-rounded and stuff). The thing that I have noticed about the difference between my A-Level doing friends and me (the IB person) is that they are so easily throwing around what grades they are getting and what they need to get. You can see why: ...